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In appreciation of the chassis - Intermodal Logistics Podcast

January 15, 2025 Kevin Baxter

Intermodal Logistics Podcast Chassis

The chassis is a key component in intermodal transportation - after all, it's what dray truckers use to carry containers short-haul to and from the railroads. So what better topic to launch The Intermodal Logistics Podcast, than what our guest for this episode Abby Anderson, AVP of Marine Operations for DCLI, calls it, the "glue" that holds intermodal together.

As part of the appreciation for the chassis, Abby discusses chassis types, the differences between domestic and international chassis programs, how the industry has adjusted since chassis shortages occurred during (and right after) the pandemic peak, and how chassis move to in-demand locales. She also goes over good order versus bad order chassis (and how DCLI ensures chassis are in good order), and the implications of the East and Gulf Coast port strike being averted.

For more on DCLI, visit www.dcli.com

And as you may have noticed - since we mentioned it earlier - this is the first episode of the Intermodal Logistics Podcast. If you subscribed to or follow InTek Freight & Logistics: The Podcast before, you're already doing the same with the new show - as the change in name is simply a reflection on the subject-matter focus we already had, and plan to continue further. Beyond that, you can still expect the same hosts, great guests like Abby, interesting topics, and plenty of fun - just with a new name and theme song.

Get this episode on YouTube, where you can also check out our playlist for our 51 previous InTek podcast episodes on The Intermodal Logistics Channel. You can also listen right here using the player below, or find it on Apple, Spotify, or whatever your favorite podcasting platform may be.



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